
Simple and flexible. Only pay for what you use.

  • ✨ Unlimited AI word generation
  • ✨ Unlimited custom bots

Get 100 credits /pm

Individuals, Freelancers, Marketers, and entrepreneurs who are ready to apply Generative AI to automate their daily work

Basic 7$

  • 1 credit = generate 1000 words
  • 5 credits = create 1 custom bot
  • Access to all default bots
  • Train with custom data
  • Train with website url
  • Train with PDF/Image upload
  • Unlimited history of generated content
  • Access to Web, Android & IOS app
Get started

Get 300 credits /pm

Get all the benefits of the Basic plan, plus unlock advanced features and enjoy priority support with our Pro plan. Get exclusive access to high discounts, spend less on credit, and take your business to the next level. Ideal for growing teams and businesses ready to scale.

Pro 19$

  • 1 credit = generate 1500 words
  • 3 credits = create 1 custom bot
  • Access to all default bots
  • Train with custom data
  • Train with website url
  • Train with PDF/Image upload
  • Unlimited history of generated content
  • Access to Web, Android & IOS app
  • Priority support
  • Advance access to new features
Get started

Custom pricing

Departments and organizations who need a secure, scalable, and customizable AI platform that meets technical needs and aligns your team.


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